Installation shot, 2016, Videonale.16, Kunstmuseum Bonn, group show


2015, Full HD, 16:9, color, sound, 00:09:08 loop

Single channel video installation 
Flatscreen TV, headphones, 8 x 40 liters of soil
350 x 350 cm

Based on the history of landscape painting and the motif of mountains, the video installation How to build a Mountain takes a critical look at the romanticized idea of wild nature in a high-tech contemporary world. Through the close interweaving of her own video recordings, found footage from the Internet and a voiceover from a YouTube tutorial explaining how a naturalistic mountain landscape can be created using 3D software, an associative, multimedia collage is created about the systematics and construction of digital images and their motifs, as well as about the underlying mechanisms of control and power.

1/3 video still, How to Build a Mountain, 2015

2/3 video still, How to Build a Mountain, 2015

3/3 video still, How to Build a Mountain, 2015
